The Horseshoe Casino opened in Baltimore on August 26th. The casino says about 50,000 people were drawn to it on opening weekend. There were no casinos in Maryland until 2010. There are now five in the state with one more set to open at National Harbor in Prince George’s County in the summer of 2016. The explosion of casinos is great for people who want to while away an hour or two looking for a chance to win big. But, for the estimated 150,000 Marylanders who are addicted to gambling, they create a terrible temptation.
The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling was created to help those people. With Sheilah is its program director, Lori Rugle. Also joining us is Michael Rosen from the Center. Before he worked there, he lost hundreds of thousands of dollars to a gambling addiction.
If you think you might have a gambling problem, you can call their helpline at 1-800-522-4700 or visit their website.