Take Five

Format: 2024-05-18

On this edition of Take Five Cindy and Tony tackled five American Classics in honor of the upcoming Independence Day holiday: Crab cakes, Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Macaroni and Cheese and Seasonal Fruit Pies. Chef Cindy Wolf lends a creative twist to all of these dishes and Tony Foreman takes on the non-intuitive yet completely necessary task of pairing wine with the dishes. The program begins with Cindy's five favorite Paris restaurants right now and a review of local summer market product with Tony.

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This month on Take Five, Cindy and Tony explore some of their favorite summer pastimes: all things grilled and the wines that are happiest with those beautiful, smoky flavors. Join them as they discuss choosing meats for the grill and detailed techniques for grilling whole fish and vegetables. Tony also offers wine recommendations specific to dishes and recipes.

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