They’re a tiny team. But they’re undaunted by the magnitude of the task at hand. Eric Ford and Tony Clark have been working together for more than twenty years on Baltimore’s graffiti removal unit, remediating the city’s graffiti problem, one service request at a time, free of charge. Aaron Henkin and Baltimore Banner reporter Hallie Miller spend a day on the job with the guys, and they ask: What’s it like to do a job you know is going to get undone, over and over again?

This week's question was asked by listener Kristin Fuller. Kristin peels off flaking bits of Baltimore graffiti and uses it in her mixed media canvases. Here's some of her work.

In this episode, we meet:
Eric Ford, Tony Clark, and Yolanda Cason of Baltimore’s Graffiti Removal Unit
Mixed Media Artist Kristin Fuller
Baltimore Banner reporter Hallie Miller