The neighborhood post reads like the opening lines of a short story. “Although I love music, I don’t play, and my Steinway is silent. If by chance anyone knows of a good pianist who would like to come over to practice or play, or even do a nice soiree with guests, please let me know. I am only interested in classical music. No jazz, no pop, no ragtime, God forbid.” Dr. Robert Fiscella owns an antique Steinway that belonged to a renowned European pianist, his late friend, Agi Jambor. This episode, we find an answer to Dr. Fiscella’s question, and we learn the story of Agi Jambor, with the help of Baltimore Banner reporter Tim Prudente.

In this episode we hear from:
Dr. Robert Fiscella
Baltimore Banner reporter Tim Prudente
Agi Jambor's nephew in Budapest, Robert Schiller
Agi Jambor's great niece in London, Frances Pinter, who published Jambor's memoir, Escaping Extermination
Concert pianist Sarah Cahill
Concert pianist and composer Wendel Patrick