Fraser Smith
Fraser Smith has been in the news business for over 30 years. He began his reportorial career with the Jersey Journal, a daily New Jersey newspaper and then moved on to the Providence Journal in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1969 Fraser won a prestigious American Political Science Association Public Affairs Fellowship, which enabled him to devote a year to graduate study at Yale University. In 1977, Fraser was hired away by The Baltimore Sun where in 1981, he moved to the newspaper's Washington bureau to focus on policy problems and their everyday effect on Marylanders. In 1983, he became the Sun's chief political reporter.
During his career as a reporter, Fraser was the recipient of numerous journalism awards: from UPI New England in 1973, from AP New England in 1974 and 1975, from Roy W. Howard in 1975, from Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association in 1981, and from Sigma Delta Chi in 1986. His Sun series on lead paint poisoning, which he wrote with his wife, Eileen Canzian, won first place and best of show honors in 1987 from the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association. Between 1999 and 2003, he has served as an editorial writer and columnist for the Sun.
When was the last time you heard a 12-year-old rhapsodizing about Beethoven, Mozart and especially Shostakovich?Or seriously considering a career in…
Fraser Smith and John Lee, of the WYPR reporting team, talk about the upcoming review of Baltimore County's charter and what that could mean for county…
Fraser Smith and Andy Green, of the Baltimore Sun's editorial board, talk about how Gov. Larry Hogan reacts to the incoming administration of…
The Southwest Partnership's seven neighborhoods sail into the New Year on a tide of careful planning, the involvement of a major state hospital and a…
Fraser Smith and Kenneth Burns, of the WYPR news team, talk about the Christmas wish list newly inaugurated Mayor Catherine Pugh delivered to…
Fraser Smith and John Lee, of the WYPR news team, talk about Congressman Andy Harris' threat to withhold federal money from Baltimore County because of…
Now in its second year – and recently awarded five more years of funding from the National Cancer Institute -- the CURE scholars program aims to change…
WYPR's Fraser Smith talks about the change of heart from Prince George's County Sen. Ulysses Currie and the upcoming change in membership as a result of…
Fraser Smith and Adam Bednar, who covers real estate for The Daily Record, talk about a residential building boom in downtown Baltimore.
Fraser Smith and Kenneth Burns, WYPR's City Hall reporter, discuss the transition from Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to Mayor-elect Catherine Pugh.