Martha Anne Toll
[Copyright 2024 NPR]
Atticus Lish's book opens a disturbing window into a teenager's battle to save his mother, our broken healthcare system — and the power that humans have to inflict harm on one another.
Thirii Myo Kyaw Myint's second book reads like poetry, an embodied experience of exquisite reflections on family and rootedness and deracination and sorrow and love.
It's a particular pleasure to see our splintered country through the eyes of Margarita Gokun Silver, a determined and appreciative emigree, in 'I Named My Dog Pushkin.'
In 1904, Cassandra Lane's great grandfather Burt Bridges was lynched. In telling his story, Lane offers her own memoir — and lessons on family and American history for her future child and readers.
Marguerite Duras' never-before-translated debut novel The Impudent Ones, first published in 1943, isn't a pleasant read — but it is a signpost to what she would later achieve with The Lover.
Journalist Matthew Gavin Frank exposes the history of South Africa's nefarious diamond industry, accompanied by a tale of pigeons and their role in subversion, in crisp and poetic prose.
Historian Janice P. Nimura tells the story of America's first and third certified women doctors and the role these sisters played in building medical institutions.
Journalist Delphine Minoui tells the true tale of a young man who refused to escape the terrors of Assad's regime in Syria, instead working with friends to make a library — a beacon of hope.
Bowling Alone author Robert Putnam joins with Shaylyn Romney Garrett to form thethesis that America's Gilded Age shows remarkable similarity to today — with a societal focus on "I" rather than "we."
Teacher and writer Tom Zoellner has logged tens of thousands of miles zigzagging the continent with, a small tent and backpack, investigating American places and themes — metaphors for our country.