Maureen Harvie
Senior Supervising Producer, On The RecordMaureen Harvie is Senior Supervising Producer for On the Record. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and joined WYPR in 2014 as an intern for the newsroom. Whether coordinating live election night coverage, capturing the sounds of a roller derby scrimmage, interviewing veterans, or booking local authors, she is always on the lookout for the next story.
This week on the podcast, two stories about women who learned to cook in their twenties as a way to connect with their childhood.
This week on the podcast, two stories about queer people chronicling their love lives.
This week on the podcast, three stories about our complicated relationship with our hair.
Baby LEADers is a free, virtual course that helps the parents of children with disabilities understand their rights and how to advocate for their families.
David London is the new head of the Baker Fund Grants Program.
Dara Friedman Wheeler is a licensed clinical psychologist and co-author of the book, "Being The Change: A Guide for Advocates and Activists on Staying Healthy, Inspired, and Driven.”
AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism, leads the annual Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service, in partnership with the King Center, and thousands of nonprofit groups, faith-based organizations, schools, and businesses nationwide.