Rachel Baye
Senior Reporter/EditorRachel Baye is a senior reporter and editor in WYPR's newsroom.
She came to WYPR in 2015 from the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit investigative journalism organization in Washington, D.C., where she covered the influence of money on state politics across the country. Rachel previously covered Washington, D.C.'s Maryland suburbs for The Washington Examiner. In 2014, she dug into political contributions to Washington, D.C. politicians by city contractors as part of a project by WAMU and American University's Investigative Reporting Workshop, and she contributed research to the book longtime ABC anchor Ted Koppel published in October 2015. Her work has appeared in several national and regional print and digital outlets and has won more than a dozen awards.
Rachel has a master's degree in journalism from American University and a bachelor's from the University of Pennsylvania. While in school, she interned at Philadelphia’s public radio station, WHYY, on the live talk show Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane, and with CNN’s investigative team.
The state budget may include language that goes into effect if the federal government makes massive cuts to healthcare spending.
The proposal includes a new 3% tax on data and IT services.
The bill requires a warrant to hand over Marylanders’ data to the federal government.
The bill would protect in state law a standard backed by the U.S. Supreme Court but opposed by the first Trump Administration.
The controversial proposal is estimated to bring in $1 billion a year.
The 2.5% tax would cover accounting, landscaping, and valet parking, among others.
Maryland business leaders oppose the move, which is estimated to raise roughly $1 billion.
State officials say they expect the state to bring in $280 million less in revenue, largely as a result of federal spending cuts.
The Democrat said he is making plans to protect residents when the inevitable occurs.
The legislation alters several state tax credit and loan programs to support businesses in specific tech-focused industries.