Zshekinah Collier
Report for America Corps MemberZshekinah Collier is WYPR’s 2022-2023 Report for America Corps Member, where she covers Education.
Previously she was a producer for Disrupted, a weekly talk show on Connecticut Public Radio. She was also an investigative intern at USA Today and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalist (ICIJ). Collier graduated from American University in May 2020 and is from New Haven, CT. @Zshekinahgf
There are more than 100 Historically Black Colleges and Universities nationwide but only four have medical schools in operation, something Morgan State University will change by 2024 with a new school.
Whether known as the Blueprint for Maryland's Future or the Kirwan Commission education law, the plan is to transform education across the state and invest $3.8 billion each year across Maryland by 2032.
Baltimore City Public Schools is trying to fill the gap of arts teachers by collaborating with Arts Every Day which taps grant funding for more art in the classroom.
Five students in Maryland have the chance to become a U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts, one of the nation’s highest honors for high school students. The students are finalists in Young Arts, a national competition that highlights young artists across 10 disciplines.
Students are at risk to lose gains in literacy during extended school breaks, one expert shares how to inspire youth to keep reading out of love, not force.
Baltimore residents Jamal Davis and Robin Kaplan convinced both AARP and Baltimore City Council to bring back funding for Experience Corps in Baltimore City Public Schools.
The Baltimore City Schools Re-Engagement Center held a recent resource fair connecting students to daycare options, financial assistance applications and provided free supplies like diapers.
Two Baltimore City Public Schools are among 100 across the country chosen by Code.org, a national non-profit to pilot a new computer science course.
The Maryland State Board of Education shared a statewide assessment of kindergarteners which showed a slight increase in school readiness for young learners but not enough improvement to surpass pre-pandemic levels.
The Maryland Society for Educational Technology wants to see more educators take advantage of video games like Minecraft in the classroom to keep students engaged.