This very popular Argentine wine has gained traction in this country. In the early days, cheap Malbec wasn’t much of a treat. Al investigates the current state of affairs.
Price key: $=less than $20 $$= $20-40 $$$=$40-60 $$$$=above $60
Quality key: * = decent wine ** = very good wine *** = superb wine ****= elite
VALUE = exceptional quality for the money
Steak Wine Malbec, Mendoza ’23 *1/2 $
(Typical of the old style cheap Malbec: lean, tannic, one-dimensional, charmless)
Casa di Campo Malbec, Mendoza ’22 ** $ VALUE
(A better effort, mild tannins, deep fruit, lean structure, good with cheese)
Chimango Malbec, Mendoza ’22 **1/2 $
(An interesting wine, smooth texture, intense fruit, dark flavors)
All of these wines can be purchased at Wells Discount Liquors