Petite Sirrah is one of California’s oldest grapes, but it has fallen by the wayside. Al presents three arguments as to why it should be more appreciated.
Price key: $=less than $20 $$= $20-40 $$$=$40-60 $$$$=above $60
Quality key: * = decent wine ** = very good wine *** = superb wine ****, VALUE = exceptional quality for the money
Vina Robles Petit Sirah, Paso Robles ’21 ** $$
(Very forward, rustic red, perfect for hearty winter meals)
Bogel Petite Sirah, California ’21 ** $ VALUE
(Terrific value for a big red, fruity, spicy, tannic, tasty and easy-drinking)
Michael David Wines “Petite Petit” Petit Sirah, Lodi ’21 **1/2 VALUE
(Circus label, refined, smooth, urbane, layers of flavor, graceful)
All of these wines can be purchased at Wells Discount Liquors.