Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast (Archive)
You can find the archive of Maryland Morning with Tom Hall as host here.
This program aired with Sheilah Kast as host until 10/2/15. Find out more about us, check out shows that aired prior to February 2014, listen to our series, and listen to each day's show.
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About one of every six public school students in Baltimore attends a charter school, but tensions between the charters and the school district are high.…
The Baltimore Book Festival begins today in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. There are a variety of stages set up along the waterfront promenade including the…
Now we take a listen to the Baltimore-based musician Danny Greenwald. His one-man band is called Glassine and the new album, No Stairway, is comprised…
Now we’re going to discuss superconducting magnetic levitation, commonly called “maglev.” This is the technology that might move you from downtown…
Amy Scott is Tom's guest this morning. Her voice is familiar to anyone who is a regular NPR listener because she’s the Education Correspondent for…
Ronald Smith, who lives in Baltimore, had a career of a couple of decades writing ad copy. His book writing, his fiction, was off to the side until he…
For the first five years he worked on the Howard County police force, Detective Josh Mouton said he wasn't looking for situations in which women had been…
Tom's guest this morning is Scott Shane, a former reporter for the Baltimore Sun who has covered national security for the New York Times since 2004. His…
In the theater, some names are inextricably linked. Rogers and Hammerstein. Lerner and Lowe. Gilbert and Sullivan. Tom now looks to a show at the…
Designer Timothy R. Mackabee’s set for “An Inspector Calls,” is so inviting, you’ll wish you were a guest in this elegant dining room.But then you notice…