This week, President Barack Obama once again brought the issue of gun violence to the fore of the American conversation. On Tuesday, the President described a series of executive actions he is taking to address the problem, and last night, he held a national town-hall meeting in Virginia about guns that was broadcast on CNN. It’s widely believed that Maryland's gun control laws are among the strongest in the country, and at the same time, last year, the city of Baltimore had the highest per capita homicide rate in the city’s history. The Maryland legislature begins their 2016 session next week. Is there more that could be done legislatively to curb the influx of illegal guns, and to strengthen current laws? Tom's first guest this morning thinks there is. Dr. Daniel Webster is an internationally recognized expert on gun policy, and serves as Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research.
With White House Action On Gun Control, New Focus On Maryland's Gun Violence

Flickr-CreativeCommons: photo by Jason Morrison