Tom's next guest today is Baltimore City Comptroller Bill Henry. He served on the City Council for 12 years, before unseating longtime comptroller Joan Pratt in last June’s Democratic primary. He ran unopposed in November to become the first new comptroller Baltimore has had in 25 years.
The comptroller is the city's fiscal manager and watchdog, and in that capacity, he sits on the Board of Estimates, the Board of Finance, the Biennial Audits Oversight Commission, and the Boards of Trustees for both of the City's pension systems.
Since taking office exactly 107 days ago, Mr. Henry has focused on modernizing the Comptroller’s office, and making the work of the Board of Estimates more transparent.
Comptroller Henry joins us on Zoom to discuss those and other reforms on his agenda.
[Due to an unscheduled Internet outage during the broadcast, a brief portion of Comptroller Henry's remarks were lost.]