President Biden was here in Baltimore two weeks ago for a CNN town hall at Baltimore Center Stage, and this afternoon, he’ll be in town again to tout the infrastructure bill that passed after months of grueling, messy internecine fights within his party. With the aid of 13 Republicans, House Democrats passed the package that the Senate had passed last August. The bill passed without the support of “The Squad,” six progressives who refused to surrender the leverage they had fought to maintain by tying the infrastructure bill to a larger package that includes climate change provisions, child and elder care, and other major programs.
The fate of that larger bill is still quite up in the air. But today, the President has chosen to return to Baltimore to talk about the bill that has passed.
This time, he’ll be at the Port of Baltimore in Dundalk. Joining Tom now to talk about what that legislation may accomplish is Kevin DeGood. He is the Director of Infrastructure Policy at the Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank in Washington, DC.

Kevin DeGood joins us on Zoom.