Now, we turn to the Baltimore-based author and journalist Baynard Woods. His last book, written with Brandon Soderberg, was a chronicle of corruption in the Baltimore Police Department’s Gun Trace Task Force. It’s called I Got a Monster: The Rise and Fall of America’s Most Corrupt Police Squad.

His latest book is a memoir that chronicles his reckoning with the legacy of his own family’s moral corruption as slave holders in South Carolina, and how he has tried to come to grips with his own culpability in advancing, however unwittingly, white supremacy. It’s an unflinching exploration of how an anti-racist attempts to reconcile the racist past of his family and people he was close to.
It's called Inheritance: An Autobiography of Whiteness.
Baynard Woods joins us on Zoom.
Baynard Woods will be signing copies of his book tomorrow night (Thursday, July 14) from 6-8pm at the Urban Reads Bookstore at 3008 Greenmount Ave., Baltimore 21218. Follow the link for more information.