Heading into World War II, cork was essential in planes, ships, subs--and countless other tools of war. When a year’s supply of cork went up in flames at Crown Cork and Seal’s factory in Highlandtown, it was a threat to national security. We speak to David Taylor, author of "Cork Wars: Intrigue and Industry in World War II".
He'll be in the Marquee Lounge of the Creative Alliance at 4 pm Saturday, Jan. 26, along with documentary filmmaker Kiley Kraskoukas and researcher Amy Johansen, to discuss the book and the short films that accompany it. And next Thursday, Jan. 31, Taylor will speak about Cork Wars in the Pratt Library’s Writers Live! Series -- 6:30 pm at the Maryland State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, 415 Park Ave. in Baltimore.

Then, David London of the Peale Center for Baltimore History and Architecture tells us about an immersive exhibit that transports visitors back in time 200-years, to the studio of Rembrandt Peale, the museum’s founder. Find more information about "Time Travel Tours" here.