If a student has an asthma flare at school, they need treatment right away. But, while schools carry epi-pens and overdose reversal medication, they do not stock inhalers.
Pediatric pulmonologist Dr. Christy Sadreameli fills us in on a bill to require schools to have rescue inhalers on hand for emergencies. Former school nurse Mikki Fritz tells of a pupil who had an inhaler registered with the school, but that device stopped working, "Luckily, his mother had enough foresight to have an inhaler with him. So, he had one in his pocket and he used it on himself."
Read the multi-society policy statement, "Ensuring Access to Albuterol in Schools: From Policy to Implementation."
Then, an update on open enrollment from Michele Eberle of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange. Open enrollment ends February 28th.