Pickleball, the madly popular sport embraced by all ages, is not without growing pains. Tim Almaguer Division Chief for Community Engagement & Strategic Partnerships at Baltimore City Recreation & Parks tells about efforts to meet demand.
And Betsy Cunningham, pickleball devotee, shares her grand vision for the sport:
“It’s a way to bring peace to our neighborhoods. First thing you do when you get on the court is you find out who you’re playing with, and you say hello. And the goal of the game is not to win, the goal is to have a good time. And when you finish you congratulate the team for what a good game they played. So you win fairly, you lose fairly. I like that idea for peace, I think we could use that in Baltimore.”
Links: Baltimore Pickleball, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, USA Pickleball, Baltimore City Pickleball info.