On The Checkup: how is mental-health care changing under Obamacare? WYPR’s Mary Rose Madden has investigated, and shares what she’s found.
The Affordable Care Act is a massive law. It touches on nearly every aspect of health care in this country; and not just physical health. It includes significant provisions for mental health.
With us to talk about how the Affordable Care Act is changing mental health care in Maryland is WYPR reporter Mary Rose Madden. She recently put together a five-part series called “The Magic Pill: Will The Affordable Care Act Fix Mental Health Care?”.
A primary care doctor writes in The New Yorker about providing mental health care.
Produced by Matt Purdy.
Our series ‘The Checkup: How Health Care Is Changing in Maryland’ is made possible by grants from CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, the Baltimore Association of Health Underwriters, and HealthCare Access Maryland.