Charm City old-time band The Manly Deeds; LalitaNoronha's poetry collection, Her Skin Phyllo-thin; and EvodieNgoy’s documentary film, The Paradise that Wasn’t
In October, 2013, The Manly Deeds headed out to Casper’s Loss Farm in Carroll County, Maryland, to record some new material. They converted a 19th-century barn into a recording studio with the help of Alex Champagne of Scenic Route Records. In two days, they recorded a twelve-song album and created memories that will last a lifetime. The Signal’s Lisa Morgan brings us a profile of The Manly Deeds.
When you’re a microbiologist, a teacher, an Indian immigrant, and a mother, you’ve got a rich array of life experiences to choose from when you sit down to write a poem. Lalita Noronha’s new poetry collection is titled, Her Skin Phyllo-thin, and shares her creative work with The Signal’s Aaron Henkin.
Each year, hundreds of young people and their families come to Baltimore as refugees. Refugee children, like their parents, arrive with high hopes, but oftentimes their optimism is chilled when they get into school and end up being teased and bullied by their American-born peers. Evodie Ngoy has encountered this herself as a refugee from the Congo DRC in a Baltimore high school. She’s made a documentary film about her experience, and that of other young refugees, titled, The Paradise that Wasn’t, and she talks with The Signal’s Aaron Henkin.