A visit with the artists behind the glass mosaic at the AVAM, Lizzie Skurnick previews her book, That Should Be a Word, and A conversation with poet and neurosurgeon Michael Salcman, editor of the anthology, Poetry in Medicine
Last October, Baltimore’s American Visionary Art Museum was officially ‘bedazzled’ when massive, multicolored, two-thousand-square-foot glass mosaic was mounted to the exterior of the building. Many hands worked for many months on the huge-scale community art project, and while the mural was in progress, The Signal’s Aaron Henkin paid a visit to the artists.

Fans of the New York Times Magazine may recall the popular That Should Be a Word column, penned by Lizzie Skurnick. Each week, Skurnick would coin a new word, like clipster or denigreet to describe a feeling, object, situation or event that defied description with common vocabulary. She’s collected the best of those words, along with some brand new expressions, in her book, That Should Be a Word. Skurnick talks with producer Lisa Morgan.

Precision, patience, and an eye for detail: Good qualities in a neurosurgeon. Good qualities, too, in a poet. Coincidentally, Dr. Michael Salcman is both. He’s also the editor of a new compendium titled, Poetry in Medicine: An Anthology of Poems about Doctors, Patients, Illness and Healing. Dr. Salcman joins producer Aaron Henkin for a look inside the book.