What Are You Reading?
Fourth Friday of each month at 4:44 pm
Tom Hall hosts What Are You Reading?, a show where authors and others recommend books that they’re currently enjoying. On the fourth Friday of the month at 4:44 p.m., during All Things Considered, Tom will find out what’s on bedside tables and loaded onto e-readers across Maryland and beyond.
What Are You Reading? is made possible by Eye Candy Opticianry.
Latest Episodes
Tom talks with Kellie Carter Jackson, the author of We Refuse: A Forceful History of Black Resistance.
Tom talks with LaVonda Reed, the Dean of the University of Baltimore School of Law.
Tom talks with Debbie Hines, the author of Get Off My Neck: Black Lives, White Justice, and a Former Prosecutor's Quest for Reform.
Tom talks with Tia Hamilton, the owner of Urban Reads Bookstore on Greenmount Avenue in Baltimore.
Tom talks with Sonia Alcántara-Antoine, the CEO of the Baltimore Public Library.
Tom talks with Chris Mfume, the Managing Partner and Founder of The Civic Group.
Tom talks with Chrissy Thornton, the President and CEO of Associated Black Charities.