Some units in the renovated apartment complex will have reduced rent for city firefighters and police officers.
The Baltimore real estate and community developer talks about her company's new plan to connect people in low-income communities with employment opportunities.
Baltimore's mayor joins Tom Hall for another of their monthly live conversations about key issues facing the city.
Two social justice activists are using home-building and home ownership to give Black women and low-resource communities new opportunities to gain financial security.
Seawall Development's Thibault Manekin and architect Klaus Philipsen describe their strategies for revitalizing Baltimore's distressed neighborhoods.
The iconic 1990s musical about gentrification, love, and loss amid an HIV/AIDS epidemic gets a lively new production.
In Aaron Henkin's "The Maryland Curiosity Bureau," a Dollar-House homeowner and housing activists reflect on the defunct 70s program.
The community housing activist discusses ways to eradicate blight and foster more stable city neighborhoods.
A story about the past and (possible) future of Dollar Houses in Baltimore
Opponents say proposed development threatens an historically Black Baltimore County neighborhood.