The head of the Mayor's office administering the $641 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds describes how the city's been putting that money to use.
Some grantees receiving American Rescue Plan Act money are having their funds rescinded after not meeting key deadlines.
Across most of the country, levels of gun violence remain high after a surge between 2019 and 2021.
“I cannot stress enough the importance of stable housing… it shapes one’s future on this planet.”
Child care stabilization funding from the American Rescue Plan expired last month, leaving significant gaps in daycare center budgets.
The funds will help low-wage health workers make ends meet.
The head of the Mayor's office administering the city's $641 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds joins us with an update on how the money is being allocated.
“We have 23 pools in our system. 15 pools are open. 6 pools are under renovation or going out to bid,” said Scott as he addressed the controversy over closed city pools.
During his State of the City last month, the mayor promised updates to recreation centers. Four more projects will be unveiled in the coming weeks.
Under the state program requirements, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works is required to allocate payments as bill credits to customer accounts while also waiving late fees and interest penalties.