The Latino Legislative Caucus seeks to represent Maryland's Latino and immigrant communities in the General Assembly.
The Maryland senate president says new taxes should be part of the state’s plan to deal with the deficit when the legislature returns to Annapolis in January.
State policymakers said energy costs are also likely to feature prominently in the legislative session that begins in January.
The two leaders met with government, business and education leaders from across the state.
If it’s related to Mr. Peanut, they either have it or they want it.
House approved changes with near unanimous but reluctant support from Democrats.
The State House in Annapolis has been locked down and people have been told to secure their offices and stay quiet.
Mayor Scott called reforming electronic home monitoring his “biggest priority” for this session.
Six women have now come forward to sue the school for abuse in the 1970s.
This week on the podcast, two Black women share their quest to tell Black stories in Baltimore.