“I think this is going to be a very, very challenging year to siphon off some of the state sales tax for specific jurisdictions,” Ferguson told reporters.
The city has not had two consecutive years of declining homicide since 2010 and 2011.
The mayor and city council have varying ideas on how to bring in revenue and relieve pressure on residents.
The Board of Estimates OK’d $14.6 million in a recent meeting.
Corren Johnson oversaw the Department of Transportation for 16 months before her abrupt departure Thursday.
The Preakness Festival will be spread through the city and state. It will feature months of activities, including family-friendly events, the races themselves and a headline concert.
The city submitted a plan as to how it will use the money from opioid distributors.
“We’ve heard you loud and clear about how hot and stormy and rainy it is at Artscape.”
“In many ways, I think today we mark the closure of that chapter of uncertainty that has plagued our city — and close it for good,” said Mayor Brandon Scott.
Brandon Scott’s administration has seen high turnover in top offices. But the city has also seen reductions in homicides and vacant housing, issues that have plagued Baltimore for decades.