Both city and county residents report life disruptions.
According to the Transportation Research Nonprofit, TRIP, Baltimore, drivers pay about $2,800 a year, while those in Washington-area suburbs face higher costs due to poor road conditions.
Corren Johnson oversaw the Department of Transportation for 16 months before her abrupt departure Thursday.
A large fire at a wood waste site in the city’s Woodberry neighborhood has shut down Interstate 83 in both directions, as well as Cold Spring Lane.
Six construction workers died after the nearly 50-year-old bridge collapsed in seconds after being struck by a cargo ship that had lost power.
The Red Line is unaffected, for now.
The bill will allow the city solicitor to implement certain rules to reap funds.
If the law passes, the company could owe up to $854 million.
“The people of Baltimore know all too well the impact caused when vital transportation infrastructure is lost,” Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, the commanding general of the U.S. Army of Corp Engineers, said.
The collapse of the Key Bridge is causing traffic headaches for commercial vehicles.