Olivia Caretti, from the Oyster Recovery Partnership talks about restoring and protecting oysters in the Chesapeake Bay.
Federal, state and local partners within Chesapeake Bay watershed won't reach their 2025 goals. Where are restoration efforts falling short?
The study is a continuation of DNA work to help people find their ancestors.
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation made Hilary Harp Falk president in 2022, only the third leader of the organization since its creation in the mid-1960s. She is looking for state and federal leaders to recommit to the bay's restoration.
Dozens of community volunteers planted cages as part of the Great Baltimore Oyster Partnership, a joint project between Waterfront Partnership and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation that has cultivated an estimated 1.6 million oyster spat in Baltimore’s Harbor since 2013.
Baltimore County officials, community, have to sign off by the end of the year.
Despite growth, there’s a still long way to go to meet overall goals.
“At the heart of this program, what we're really trying to do is get funds back into communities that were impacted by these environmental incidents."
New study finds that Chesapeake Bay oyster sanctuaries are thriving with wildlife, including native parasites.
The definition of what is shellfish in Maryland will change July 1, and the bay scallop could be the biggest beneficiary.