The package focuses on creating more in-state electricity generation.
Federal, state and local partners within Chesapeake Bay watershed won't reach their 2025 goals. Where are restoration efforts falling short?
The city district has two operational clean-energy buildings, with two more on the way. And at Holabird Academy, the perks are also educational.
How is food waste contributing to greenhouse gases?
Thanks to a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust and Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), residents are expanding the city’s canopy through tree planting.
The Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) measures the health of air, water, soil and trees across the city. What will they do with the information?
NPR's Climate Solutions Week sees public radio stations across the country tell the stories of Americans answering the problems of man-made changes to the planet's climate. On Midday, we turn our eye to Marylanders taking steps to build a more sustainable future for our food systems.
Advocates want the city to do a better job of assisting residents when sewage infrastructure fails, and invest in climate resiliency.
We’ll go On the Record with an epidemiologist to talk about the public health threat posed by climate change. Heat waves are getting longer and more intense. Who is most vulnerable? Is air conditioning the answer?
Baltimore City's Office of Emergency Planning joins Midday to talk about what the city is doing to prepare for increasingly common extreme weather.