Councilman Todd Crandell introduced legislation that would weaken the plastic bag ban the County passed earlier this year.
Not everyone can charge up at home.
The Clean Trucks Act nears passage in the Maryland General Assembly.
Baltimore County’s tree planting program has already rooted hundreds of trees, particularly in lower income neighborhoods.
Live in an apartment? Want an electric vehicle charging station? General Assembly is working on thatNot everyone who wants an electric vehicle has a home and a “three car garage,” legislators were told.
But Baltimore County leaders worry rising sea levels could put those wetlands at risk anyway.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources workers are joined by Virginia’s state crew on boats searching the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries for blue crabs for an annual survey.
Consultant Throwe Environmental LLC will assess the risk of damage due to extreme weather for Baltimore County and how to pay for it through a Resilience Authority.
Expect Maryland lawmakers during the upcoming legislative session to target big truck manufacturers to go all electric as the state looks to meet clean air goals.
Neighborhoods across South Baltimore's Middle Branch of the Patapsco River from Port Covington to Curtis Bay are slated to undergo a major change with new parks, pedestrian trails and restored wetlands.