A bill in the General Assembly would authorize local jurisdictions to pass laws requiring landlords to have an approved reason to end a lease.
The bill would prevent large landlords from removing a tenant without one of several specific reasons.
As tenant eviction rates climb, we get perspectives on the problem from a researcher, tenant-rights advocates and a property owners' trade group.
Baltimore Renters United says continuing evictions will exacerbate the COVID-19 surge.
We go On the Record with an attorney representing tenants at risk of eviction and with the new head of the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services. How backlogged are eviction cases? What’s the path from emergency shelters to long-term housing?
We’ll go On the Record with the head of an interfaith nonprofit helping tenants behind in their rent. What happens when a landlord turns down federal eviction-prevention money? Plus, Baltimore launches a fund for a security deposit if moving is a renter’s only option.
Struggling to stay housed, a renter shares how the pandemic has affected her family.
For housing advocates who have been sounding the alarm about a pandemic eviction crisis, the past year feels like one of missed opportunities.
Baltimore City housing advocates and tenants are demanding that Gov. Larry Hogan extend his order to protect tenants affected by the pandemic from eviction. That order is set to last through Sunday.
A Baltimore City Council committee heard from housing advocates and officials Tuesday to discuss the scope of the city’s eviction crisis and strategies to overcome it.