The Democrat said he is making plans to protect residents when the inevitable occurs.
Hayes will have purview over important cases regarding Trump executive orders.
State vehicles, technology and real estate are among the areas the governor’s office will look for savings.
About 10% of the state’s workers, or an estimated 327,000 Marylanders, are directly employed by the federal government, according to the U.S. Census.
About 10% of state government positions were vacant at the end of October, according to state data.
The American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees union says a 10th of the state government positions it represents are vacant.
Legal scholar and author Erwin Chemerinsky joins Midday to discuss the flaws of the Constitution in No Democracy Lasts Forever.
Olszewski is preparing to present the budget in April.
WIC would be one of the first programs to take a hit.
According to financial experts, social security is expected to run out in 2034. The U.S. government has 10 years to figure out a realistic strategy to keep the program afloat.