Nutritionist Monica Reinagel joins Midday to talk about your resolutions to be healthier in 2025.
Mosquitos are responsible for millions of deaths each year. But a powder made from dead bacterial cells shows promise in killing malaria-carrying mosquitoes. We speak with the deputy director of the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute.
The fatalities are the first cold weather-related deaths of the season.
How is a training program expanding access to abortion care in Maryland's rural areas?
The failures are calling into question the practice of outsourcing medical care.
A new study says the disease is nearing human-to-human transmission.
Colorectal cancer cases among Americans age 55 and younger nearly doubled between 1995 and 2019. Why? What can people do to lower their risk?
Low staffing led to missed exams and delayed treatment.
More than 70 people died from cold-related illnesses in Maryland last winter.
The state recently received federal fund to test drone delivery of prescription drugs and medical supplies.