The Central Maryland Veterans Treatment Court is a voluntary treatment-based program for local veterans charged with misdemeanors.
We go On the Record with two veterans - one went from homeless to housed, with help from the VA; the other is bringing those who served together for local meet-ups. We get to know the Community Resource and Referral Center and the Baltimore Military Muster.
We’ll go On the Record with two veterans - one went from homeless to housed, with help from the VA; the other is part of an effort to bring those who served together for local meet-ups. We get to know the Community Resource and Referral Center and the Baltimore Military Muster.
We speak with a US Army veteran and a US Air Force veteran--both working with organizations dedicated to getting homeless vets into stable housing.
A new community garden for veterans experiencing homelessness or addiction and Sandtown-Winchester community members opened last week.The garden spans…
Nearly 40,000 U.S. veterans are homeless, and within that group, the number of homeless female veterans is growing fastest. In many cases they are women…