A bill in the General Assembly would authorize local jurisdictions to pass laws requiring landlords to have an approved reason to end a lease.
Ever since Governor Wes Moore signed an executive order in October to establish the Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Council, there has been a lot of anticipation surrounding the city's efforts to tackle its vacant property crisis.
The bill would prevent large landlords from removing a tenant without one of several specific reasons.
The Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland is also prioritizing bills that would end certain police traffic stops and reduce housing discrimination.
The hope — better homes, neighborhoods and a growing tax base.
Are the vacants in a once thriving community bringing in squatters or are the squatters hindering progress? Organizers, investors and residents grapple with how to best revitalize the area.
Promising projects are on the horizon but it could still be a while before the city sees new units under the law, says the housing commissioner.
BUILD, the influential, multifaith nonprofit group, is fighting to ensure that certain neighborhoods are included in the governor’s plan to redevelop vacants in Baltimore City.
With an executive order Tuesday, the Maryland governor launched a new initiative to address the decades-long issue of vacant properties in the city.
Baltimore’s City Council is looking at a new and untested approach with a special financing package aimed at revitalizing blighted neighborhoods.