During the hours-long meeting, council members grilled representatives not just about the hikes, but also winter shut-offs, power restoration following storm outages, and poor completion of road work.
At a news conference Monday, City Council President Zeke Cohen announced that Councilman Isaac “Yitzy” Schleiffer, who chairs the Legislative Investigations Committee, will lead a series of investigations into the sole utility’s rate increases.
Unions call for hearings into workplace conditions, additional health and safety training, as well as a full-time OIG investigator dedicated to DPW.
With four council members deciding to abstain, and two council members absent, it did not get the required 12 votes to pass.
“The earliest date we can resume weekly recycling for the entire city, would be at the end of February,” said Richard Luna, the interim director of the Department of Public Works.
“... breakdown in communication and judgment that is absolutely unacceptable.”
In order to have weekly recycling by the first quarter of 2024, officials from the Department of Public Works say they will need 20 new crews and 30 new garbage trucks.
The same committee that rejected Leach last week decided to unanimously confirm her on Monday.
The bills require the Fire Department to publish reports detailing internal control systems and staffing policies
A proposed city charter amendment would create a permanent fund to bolster cash rewards for tips in homicide and shooting cases.