A bill in the General Assembly would authorize local jurisdictions to pass laws requiring landlords to have an approved reason to end a lease.
The bill would prevent large landlords from removing a tenant without one of several specific reasons.
The Civil Rights Division of the Maryland Attorney General’s office filed its first case Friday. It is against a landlord accused of sexually assaulting tenants.
Baltimore City council member Zeke Cohen introduced legislation known as the Strengthening Renters’ Safety Act on Monday.
For housing advocates who have been sounding the alarm about a pandemic eviction crisis, the past year feels like one of missed opportunities.
The nonprofit organization United Way of Central Maryland is expanding an eviction prevention program that will help an estimated 3,100 households.
Baltimore landlords would not be able to evict tenants whose leases have expired under a bill introduced to the City Council Monday night.Councilman…
As Maryland’s annual General Assembly session opens Wednesday, a coalition of lawmakers and advocates are pushing a package of bills that would provide…
The Baltimore City Council is to vote on a bill Monday night that would provide lawyers to tenants facing eviction cases. The bill comes amid concerns…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may have ordered a moratorium on evictions through the end of this year to contain the spread of COVID-19.…