We go On the Record to ask how Kinklings, Chop Chae, Blintzes and Stuffed Ham came to represent the varied cultures in Maryland. Kara Mae Harris previews her book about recipes and the people who prepared them.
Author and former New York Times journalist Scott Shane discusses his latest novel, "Flee North: A forgotten hero and the fight for freedom in slavery's borderland."
We go On the Record with journalist John Frece to ask about his biography of the late U.S. Senator Daniel Brewster. Brewster was rich, ambitious, attractive to voters -- until out-of-control drinking took over his life. How did he recover?
We’ll go On the Record with journalist John Frece to ask about his new biography of the late U.S. Senator Daniel Brewster. Brewster was rich, ambitious, attractive to voters -- until out-of-control drinking took over his life. How did he recover?