Legislative leaders say the cuts are necessary to prepare for likely cuts in federal spending.
Both the House and Senate approved subsidies for young adult health insurance.
A bill in the General Assembly would authorize local jurisdictions to pass laws requiring landlords to have an approved reason to end a lease.
The legislation plans to increase oversight over the massive windfall the state is getting from drug companies.
The Moore-Miller administration is asking for an additional 18-months to get the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI) up and running.
The bill that passed the House also adds internet safety to the state’s health education framework.
The Democrat is sponsoring legislation that would remove trash incineration’s classification as renewable energy.
The Attorney General wants some of the money to fund enforcement unit.
Advocates say the Maryland Kids Code implements common sense protections for minors. It’s being challenged for infringing on First Amendment rights.
Del. Melissa Wells is the Chair of the Baltimore City Delegation. We ask her about the delegation's priorities in 2025.