Carey Wright, a Maryland native, was appointed State Superintendent of Schools by the Maryland State Board of Education last April. She received wide praise in her previous role as statewide superintendent for Mississippi public schools.
Some student leaders say responses neglect schools who need more mental health resources.
Dr. Myriam Yarbrough and Board Chair Jane Lichter, discuss priorities for the upcoming school year.
Dr. Myriam Yarbrough officially takes the helm as the leader of Baltimore County Schools July 1.
School is out for the summer, but parents, guardians and even students filled the New Town High School library Thursday to meet the newly appointed superintendent.
Myriam Yarbrough, who is Deputy Superintendent, will take over in July.
The report card released Thursday measures the 2021-2022 school year and how students performed on Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program tests, access to a well-rounded curriculum, graduation rates, English learner proficiency, attendance, student readiness for high school and survey results that asks about school quality and student success.
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future plans to introduce the community schools model to nearly 300 schools through the 10-year implementation period.
Alvin Thornton, former chair of Maryland’s Commission on Education Finance, Equity, and Excellence said the fight for equitable funding started over 20 years ago.
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future plans to increase salaries, provide rigorous training and retain diverse teachers in the education field but not everyone agrees the strategies will yield the desired outcome.