Notably, Bolton Hill, Morrell Park, Fells Point and Howard Park would all stay unified in one district under the city council’s plan
The districts should have population equity while being contiguous and compact. Some neighborhoods could get split between councilmanic districts.
The council must decide if they will accept Mayor Scott’s proposal or come up with their own.
The city will draw the neighborhood boundaries of its nine police districts, and residents are being encouraged to give their input.
Black candidate plans to run in Baltimore County’s second district following redistricting challengePatoka to be challenged in the Democratic Primary by former head of county NAACP.
A Maryland judge has sent lawmakers back to the drawing board over a contested congressional map as partisan debate over how elections maps are drawn on the state and local levels remains fraught. With weeks left to go in this General Assembly session, Governor Hogan announces more state funding for crime fighting initiatives and chides lawmakers to take action. And there’s a plan afoot to infuse new economic life into a historically Black community in Baltimore County using its “opportunity zone status.”
County Council moves swiftly to approve the map.
Judge will now decide if the county's new map is acceptable.
There is also a new push to increase the size of the council to help minority candidates.