Theater critic J. Wynn Rousuck reviews a new musical-in-a musical that's an ode to the creative process.
In this web-only review, our theater critic spotlights Single Carrot's timely take on privacy, self-interest and integrity.
Baltimore's itinerant theater troupe explores a complex psychological issue with pathos — and humor.
Maryland Morning theater critic J. Wynn Rousuck has been to see "The Memo" at Single Carrot Theatre. It's up until April 27. The Rousuck Review: "Memo" at…
A look at the twisted history of the banjo, a documentary about problem gambling, an ode to an Iraq War veteran’s rucksack, Single Carrot’s production of…
Baltimore’s Single Carrot Theatre will unveil its new space at 2600 North Howard Street on January 24th, and its opening-night offering is a new…