Elected officials, community members celebrate Black history, with commemorative walk to Emmarts United Methodist Church.
Eastern Shore where Harriet Tubman lived selected for first sale of USPS commemorative stamp.
We go On the Record with Harriet Tubman’s great-great-great grand niece, and with the archeologist who unearthed Tubman’s childhood home. We talk about a new film about the discovery and what life was like for enslaved people on the Eastern Shore.
The Baltimore & Ohio, a powerful commercial railroad, was also part of the Underground Railroad. The B&O Railroad Museum tells of freedom seekers who walked the rails, disguised themselves as passengers or packed themselves into boxes to flee slavery.
Andrew Diemer, associate professor of history at Towson University, tells the story of that work and what followed in his new book, "Vigilance: The Life of William Still, Father of the Underground Railroad."
We’ll go On the Record with Towson University history professor Andrew Diemer, who traces the fight for rights for Black people through the 19th century. His book is "Vigilance: The Life of William Still, Father of the Underground Railroad."
We’ll go On the Record with a climate scientist and a tour guide to talk about the threat rising sea levels pose to the Eastern Shore site where Harriet Tubman lived. Plus, discovering the home of Tubman’s father. What artifacts have archaeologists uncovered?
We’ll go On the Record with a climate scientist and a tour guide to talk about the threat rising sea levels pose to the Eastern Shore site where Harriet Tubman lived. Plus, discovering the home of Tubman’s father. What artifacts have archaeologists uncovered?
Nearly 200 hundred years after Harriet Tubman’s birth, a visitor’s center, byway and state park near her birthplace in Dorchester County, honor her memory…
Nearly 200 years after her birth, Harriet Tubman, who led escaped slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad, was honored over the weekend with the…