Roca began in Massachusetts and branched to Baltimore in 2018. Since then, its hyperlocal approach to violence intervention has won support from city officials and young men the nonprofit targets.
Among Baltimore's efforts to reduce homicides is Safe Streets, a violence interruption program that emphasizes conflict mediation. We speak with Greg Marshburn, who directs four Safe Streets sites in the city.
WYPR Emily Hofstaedter discusses the latest reports by the Baltimore City Inspector General and Comptroller which found errors in the Safe Streets and MONSE reimbursement process.
Darnyle Wharton, co-organizer of the Baltimore Peace Movement, joins Midday to discuss November's Peace Promise Weekend.
The Baltimore Peace Movement holds their annual Mother's Day Peace Promise Weekend.
Tom discusses group violence reduction and community violence intervention in Baltimore with representatives from the mayor's office and the police department.
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott cites a 19% reduction in homicides and 18% reduction in non-fatal shootings over this time last year.
The two social activist lawyers discuss their efforts - through Warnken's Center for Criminal Justice Reform (UBalt Law) and Watts's "Rebuild, Overcome and Rise" (ROAR) Center (UMB) - to better assist Baltimore communities and individuals victimized by violent crime.
ROCA, a violence interruption organization, is helping city youth get training and work from corporate partners such as businessman Lenzie Johnson's local waste recycling company.
We’ll go On the Record to learn about the intensive relationship-building of Roca, an evidence-based violence intervention program that focuses on young men in Baltimore, and how Roca’s partnership with the Department of Juvenile Services is stirring even wider impact.