Inheritance: "The Magnificent Ruins" by Nayantara Roy and "Like Mother, Like Mother" by Susan RiegerWe can inherit so many things from our ancestors – physical traits, like hair and eye color, a quick temper, musical talent, a bunch of money, maybe even a big old house!
Joni Mitchell gets the biographical treatment in a pair of books as unconventional as the artist herself.
We love short stories, and we're going to make you love them, too.
Who hasn’t dreamed of running away, leaving it all behind, totally reinventing yourself?
Great art is often created in the wake of terrible tragedy – think Guernica, The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll, The Vietnam Memorial.
Remember the 1980s? Remember college? Even if you weren’t alive, or never attended university, you’ll feel like you’ve gone back in time with this week's picks.
Immigration is and always has been such a complex issue, you may not even realize how much it touches your everyday life.
Baltimore writers do not disappoint!
A good memoir can really open your eyes and inform your opinions about the author.
Ah, December! A time for festive decorations, jolly celebrations, and creative libations.