The Baltimore County Council is laying plans for a more public approach to redrawing its district lines, now that voters have approved expanding the council from seven to nine seats.
Council Chairman Izzy Patoka, a Democrat, introduced a resolution Monday night to form a seven member redistricting commission that will propose how the council should redraw the lines.
Council members and staff have already drawn up a proposed nine district map behind closed doors. The council took a lot of heat for doing that so it is now considering the more open redistricting process which will include public hearings.
Patoka points out that in 2026, there will be both two additional seats and for the first time a public financing option for council campaigns.
“I call it the perfect storm of opportunity for people of color and for women to gain elected office in Baltimore County,” Patoka said.
The council currently is all men and six out of seven are white.
According to the resolution, the redistricting commission will need to be in place by Jan. 21, 2025. Each council member will nominate someone for the commission. They will then be appointed by the full council.
The redistricting commission will be required to hold at least three public hearings then make a final recommendation to the County Council by June 13, 2025, which will then draw its own district lines.
The County Council will hold a public hearing on Patoka’s resolution on November 26 with a final vote on December 2.
The establishment of the redistricting commission is all but assured. Six out of seven council members are sponsors. Only Councilman Julian Jones, a Democrat, has not signed on.