The U.S. Justice Department is now investigating whether Baltimore City police violated the civil rights of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old who died Sunday, a week after he was injured while in police custody.
Police arrested Gray after a foot chase in Baltimore’s Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood. A police report obtained by "The Baltimore Sun" said Gray was quote "arrested without force or incident”. The question investigators are trying to answer: how was he injured? Officials say they will conclude their criminal investigation by May 1st. With us by phone to talk through some of the questions this case raises is Susan Goering, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland. Also with us is David Gray, Professor of Law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law.
The ACLU of Maryland released a briefing paper last month on police-involved deaths in Maryland between 2010 and 2014. They found 109 deaths were connected with police encounters during that period.
Audio for this segment will be available by the end of the day.