Katherine McCord's My CIA, Jane Elkin's World Class, and Eric D Goodman's Tracks.
Our memories of early childhood can be pretty spotty. But if you grew up with a dad who worked for the CIA, those memories get even more mercurial. Katherine McCord was born in Liberia. Later, her family would move to Nepal. It was there that her mother would suffer a nervous breakdown. They’d be secretly flown back to the US. After that, the family would live a seemingly normal Midwestern life. Katherine would grow up to be a poet. After her father died, she went in search of answers about who he really was. McCord talks with Aaron Henkin about the surreal experience.

When Jane Elkin began teaching English as a Second Language, she knew her students would learn a lot from her. What she didn’t realize was just how much her students would teach her in return. She talks with producer Lisa Morgan.

Contributor Eric D Goodman joins us with another serial installment in his radio adaptation of Tracks, a novel-in-stories. The book takes us inside the private lives of train passengers, all strangers to each other, who happen to be sharing a ride from Baltimore to Chicago. In this installment, our train arrives at its destination, and our conductor is left to mull over a seemingly simple invitation.